I gave a Talk on React!

Vignesh M
Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2017


On 23rd December, I presented a 5 hour long React Session/Workshop for both beginners and experts at Facebook Developer Circle Delhi React Code Lab.

This was my first time presenting to so many attendees and mentoring live for so long. This was a great opportunity for me, thanks to FB dev circle.

I started from the very basics of JavaScript and React and leveled up to Advanced Component Patterns in React. All the attendees coded along with me and learned how things in worked in React and understood their internal implementations. It was a very interactive event, there was a lot of QnA.

At the end, I had a good feedback from the attendees.

Check out my slides and code sample respository for some good resources.

My Slides: http://slides.com/vigzmv/react/

Code Samples Repository: https://github.com/vigzmv/Into-the-ReactJs

Thanks for reading. I am Vignesh M, JavaScript & Python Developer and Mentor. I go by the username @vigzmv everywhere. Follow me to keep reading more.



CTO at @novelship . JavaScript ♥ Python. Mentor. Speaker. Hackathons Hacker. vigneshm.com | @vigzmv